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I am a strong believer that there are three elements needed in order to reach your health and fitness goals.

I call it The Big Three: exercise, nutrition and behaviour/ mindset change.

Even the world's best athletes wouldn't be where they are without good nutrition, perfectly planned out training program and last but not least - the right mindset. Luckily, you don't have to be a top professional athlete to reach the goals you set for yourself. Your mind can be trained as well as your body.


My coaching approach is unique in a way that it covers all three elements if there is need or interest, but can only focus on physical training and nutrition. Mental fitness is as important as physical fitness and it's important they compliment each other.

I help my clients reach their highest physical potential, establish new healthy habits and learn how to stay motivated on their journey and make nutrition recommendations to match their goals whatever they are. Whether your goal is to build muscle, become stronger, get fitter or just run longer. 


If this is something that resonates with you or would like to know more, be sure to drop me a message!


I am a fully qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer, Level 3 Pre and Post-natal Personal Trainer (training in pregnancy and post-partum) and Certified Behaviour Change Coach.

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