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What happens once I purchase my program?

Once you purchase a program or a voucher you will receive an email confirmation of your purchase. 

If you have purchased a program, please get in touch via e-mail on and your journey starts from there. We will go through some necessary formalities and details to ensure you get the most out of our program and some basic health screening to ensure we can work together.

What's included?

Your personalised training program will be delivered via a training app. You will be able to communicate with me via the app, monitor your progress and be able to connect with others via the app community. We will do regular check-ins to go over what went well and where we need to make adjustments. Depending on the plan you purchase, you will receive a tailored nutrition plan which will compliment your workout routine and help you reach your goals or 1-2-1 training with me in peson.

Do I need to own any specific equipment?

It depends.

If you are a gym member and would like to work out at the gym, I will tailor your program to fit around what's available to you. If you prefer to work out at home, you may need to purchase a couple of pieces of equipment to help you on your journey (but nothing that would break the bank or take up half of your living room!).

Do I have to be a gym member?

No, you don't. But it depends on your goal. I can create a program for you that will consist of exercises you can perform at home. 

However, if you'd like to start lifting heavy, you will either need to invest in proper equipment or join the gym.

I am very busy; will I be able to work around my responsibilities?

Yes, we can discuss your challenges and come up with solutions how to fit your new lifestyle around your responsibilities.

I am in my 40s, 50s or 60s.. is strength training still for me?

Absolutely. And the benefits are great. Strength training is the most effective standalone exercise strategy for counteracting age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and power. Being stronger helps prevent the loss of physical function and independence. As long as you are in good overall health, you are good to go.

I am a woman; will I get too bulky if I start weightlifting?

No. A woman's ability to build excessive amounts of muscle tissue is limited by her natural hormones. Women don't produce enough testosterone, which is a huge factor in one's capacity for muscle growth. Heavy lifting helps with hypertrophy and increase in muscle size, but if built naturally, without steroid supplements, the only visual result women achieve is as toned strong and healthy body. 

I tried to lose weight and tone up before but nothing happened - does it even work?

Yes, it does. Correct nutrition combined with the right workouts always works. All that's required is adherence to the overall program. Everyone is different, so sometimes things need adjusting but it always works.

How long do I need to train for and when will I start seeing some changes?

This is probably the hardest part; you have been working out and eating the right things in the right amounts but you are not seeing any changes. You lose confidence, motivation and you give up. All I can say is - be patient! Things take time. Just remember how long it took you to get where you are now. Give your body (and mind!) time to adjust to the new routine, it will reward you with results. 

Some people start noticing changes in as little as a few weeks' time, but I'd recommend to push through and give it at least three months to see results. And of course, the longer you train, the better results you get. Getting fitter, healthier and into shape is a lifestyle.

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